Thursday 18 September 2014

Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema

D/t deficiency of C1 esterase inhibitor

Increased production of bradykinin and c2 kinins due to enhanced activity of activated C1 and enhanced expression of activated kallikrein and factor 12

Laboratory features
. ↓C1 esterase inhibitor (Type 1)
. Dysfunctional/non functional C1 esterase inhibitors (Type2)
. Normal C1 levels with reduced C4 and C2 levels
. ↑ levels of bradykinin and C2 kinins

Clinical features
. Positive family history
. Recurrent episode of edema ( characteristic provoked by emotional stress or trauma)
. Laryngeal edema
. Edema affects intestinal mucosa (colic)
. Affects skin and extremities

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